Because knowing yourself and your inner workings
is the key to greater efficiency…
Discover BeHave COMPASS® Personality Test
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![Main levant 4 doigts. Représente 4 tests de personnalité en 1 seul avec BeHave Compass](
4 profiles
in 1!
![Couleurs mélangées. Représente l'aspect ludique du profil comportemental Behave Compass en couleurs.](
Easy & playful
approach made
with colors
![Homme très étonné après avoir découvert que le test de personnalité BeHave Compass contient 230 400 combinaisons de profil comportemental différents.](
The most accurate test with 230,400
unique profile !
The essence of
BeHave Compass
Because the essence of your personality can’t be reduced to a few colors or profiles,
we have designed the first personality test that integrates the 4 components of your profile:
Natural Personality
Defines the distribution of your 8 fundamental intrinsic psychological components. Based on the Meta-programs of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Profesional Personality
Shows your behavioral positions in a professional context. Here, the Meta-programs give the DISC model greater analytical precision.
Personality under stress
Describes your behaviour in stressful situations.
These conditionings guide your decisions, behavior, and communication.
Talents & Potentials
Among 25 Talents, discover yours! Based on positive psychology, we believe it's better to build on your Talents and Potentials than to develop your Counter-Talents.
6 ways to use our personality test
Discover BeHave COMPASS® Professional Personality Test
Talents Management
Discover BeHave TALENTS® Professional Personality Test
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What we Think
Although 95% of people think they are self-aware, only 10-15% actually are!
(Tasha Eurich study – 2018)
Yet, since the 60s, companies have been using hundreds of millions of different personality tests worldwide to help their employees better understand themselves.
This lack of effectiveness motivated us to create a personality test that really sets us apart!
A personality test validated by its users
BeHave INTERNATIONAL conducted a 15-year study involving 5,000 people who had completed at least one personality test (other than BeHave COMPASS®). This study aimed to answer 2 key questions:
1) How well does the BeHave COMPASS® personality test reflect who you are?
"This is me and I'm impressed by the power of the tool !"
"It's me"
How do you rate BeHave COMPASS® compared with other tests you've done?
"Very superior"
Our Amazing Clients
It’s simple, you’ll see. A personality test or psychological test is a questionnaire that you complete in approximately 30 minutes. Based on the answers given, a series of algorithms gives you an analysis of your personality according to different factors (e.g.: extraversion vs. introversion). All of these parameters combined give you a map of your attitudes and behaviors. By the way, a personality test does measure your attitudes and behaviors. In no case does it measure your intelligence quotient.
In short, it is a tool that allows you to answer the question Who am I ?
Anyone can take a personality test. However, we recommend waiting until you are at least 20 years old. Statistically, we have found that personality begins to stabilize between the ages of 18 and 20. In fact, before the age of 20, there is a risk that the person does not know himself/herself well enough. Furthermore, it is preferable to have already experienced the professional world in order to correctly answer the second part of the questionnaire (your personality adapted to the professional world).
Nice try! However, there is no such thing as a bad result in our psychological test. Yes, each parameter has its strengths and weaknesses.
For instance, if you are extroverted in your professional life, your sociability is a natural strength. On the other hand, you may have more concentration problems than an introvert.
The average time is about 25 minutes. However, some take 20 minutes while others take 40 minutes. This is mostly due to hesitation. We are often told that in one or more questions, we would like to choose everything first or not put anything at all. This is normal, the test is there to force you to determine your preferences. Come on, trust yourself! No need to hesitate for 1000 years. But be careful to answer what you are and not what you would like to be!
Our test is based on several intersecting theories. However, it is mostly based on Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Transactional Analysis.
It’s simple, over the course of their careers, members of our team have been certified and used many personality tests. Too often, they have noticed that the results of these other tests were incomplete. So they have decided to create their own psychological test. Their ambition is to show all the nuances that make up a personality. All this without trying to put people in boxes. After more than 5 years of psychometric work, they released the first version. Even today, BeHave Compass continues to evolve every year.
Version 4 is now available. It now allows you to identify your main Talents and Potential. We call it BeHave TALENTS
It depends on what you mean by profitable. The ancient Greek philosophers engraved on the temple of Delphi a sentence that summarized for them the essence of life: “Know thyself”. This is what we also deeply believe in. The BeHave Compass personality test is a wonderful tool that allows you to know yourself better.
At least, that’s what almost everyone who has taken the test says. People often tell us: “I wish I had known about this psychological test before. It would have changed my life”.
BeHave INTERNATIONAL conducted a 15-year study of 5,000 people who had taken at least one personality test (other than BeHave COMPASS) in the past 10 years.
This study aimed to answer 2 essential questions:
1/ How well does the BeHave COMPASS personality test reflect who you are?
The answers were :
. It’s totally me and I’m impressed by the power of the tool: 91%. It fits me well: 5%.
2/ Compared to the experience you had with another personality test (s), how do you rate the BeHave COMPASS personality test?
. Very superior = 89%. Superior = 8%.
Good news ! Unlike other personality tests, with BeHave Compass, there are 230 400 boxes. The probability of having the same profile as your neighbor is extremely low. In fact, we combine many different parameters to describe your personality in all its nuances. This is a psychological test that really makes a difference!
Our answer will be divided in 3 parts :
The first part of your psychological test is your natural personality. Here, it is rare that your parameters change much (except for a traumatic event or important personal work). In fact, we have statistically measured that these parameters vary by an average of 15% from first profile to the following.
The second part corresponds to your profile adapted to a professional environment. It is also called “Dynamic profile” because it can change a lot during your life. This part refers to how well you are adapting to your actual work environment.
The third part is mainly related to your education. We have statistically measured that these parameters vary by an average of 20% from one profile to another.